Saturday, November 27, 2010

Disappointing news!! Scam Alerts

Seems like this is a season of scams. Three sites that looked promising apparently went scam. And the most heart-breaking fact is that one of them is which was really paying well. The other two are and
This is what Cashium had to say:

This message was later replaced with a message stating that they will be back!! Now the site loads up but the login page is still under maintenance.
I do not know if it will be right to call it a scam, because it is saying that it will bounce back. In any case, we will get the answer in some days. Either it sorts out its problems with paypal, or it shuts down. I suppose it can only be literally called a scam after that!! Rumours say that Cashium is now purchased by Ifbux, which has its own set of server problems!!!

On the other hand, Atlascash claims that it had a hacker attack and thus lost significant amount of money. It promised manual payments for all failed and incomplete cashouts by 16th November but no word since then. Its forum now has limited access, so all we can see there are positive Atlascash comments, posted during it's happier days. This is what the admin has to say:
Click here for Atlascash admin message

Nothing to be said about Klikerz. One fine day, I try to login and it directs me to a parked domain. Same state since then. Better if I forget about that site.

To sum it all, we have lost two really promising PTC sites and one new site. Just goes to show that a legit site today may not be legit tomorrow. Hence, never invest any money in such new sites which you cannot afford to lose.
Until next post,
Good bye.


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