Thursday, December 16, 2010

Readbud is a scam.

I really don't know why this topic is being posted so late. It should have been posted months ago. Apologies for that. But better late than never, I guess. Ok, so back to the topic. Readbud, the site that supposedly paid for reading and rating articles, is a big scam. It has not paid me, neither has it paid thousands of other hopeful users who had realized that the site is a scam, but decided to continue anyway.

Anyone who still has any doubts about this can do a simple Google search online. There will be only one answer posted by the users. Mind you, don't waste time reading full length positive reviews. They are being paid to write that. 

Until next post,
Happy Earning.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Paid to Post- TheDiscussionZone

TheDiscussionZone(TDZ) is a great way to earn a few quick bucks online. We all participate in forums. Then why not get paid for it? TDZ pays $5 for every 100 quality posts that you make(including threads). The sweetest thing about this site is that you can discuss about almost any topic that you want to and get paid. It is that simple. No complex rules to follow and helpful moderators makes this forum an enjoyable place to participate.

And yes, I would really like to apologize to the admin of TheDiscussionZone(TDZ) for delaying this post for so long. Mr. George, the admin of this site is one of the most honest owners I have ever met. He has dealt every query of mine patiently and has answered them promptly. Click the banner below to register.

Note: I do not know if they ask for referrer's name when you sign up, but if they do, please fill Cris09 in the referrer box. Though  I will not benefit in any way from this(you don't get paid for getting referrals), I would want the admin to know that I am doing my part in advertising his forum.(I had told him that I will try to publicize his forum as much as I can)  

Note2: While this should not be a problem, it is good to know that this forum currently pays only through Paypal.
Happy earning.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cashium is back. Bought by new Palmbux owner!

Cashium is back, as they had promised. What surprised me was that it is now under the same UK registered company that bought Palmbux, when it had gone scam. It is said that Palmbux has improved and has started paying under the new regime. So it might be safe to atleast hope that Cashium does the same.

However, the site will not move to legit status, as long as I do not see a new proof of payment. As of now, I am really having trouble logging into their site. They are having some serious server problem. This is all I get when I login.

This site will be under watch and any changes will be posted here soon. Happy Earning

Almost lost $45 today. Just check this Scammer's audacity!!!!

This refers to the shocking incident I had today online. The Internet world is full of scammers waiting to make a meal of your hard earned money, and this incident is a proof of that.
I was chatting on Birejji today. I met a guy who said that he is selling Onbux direct referrals for $0.5. I was a bit surprised by the offer because it is not possible to sell Onbux direct referrals to another user. But I decided to play on, just to see what this guy has to offer. He sent me a mail that had the snapshots of his account and asked me to check it. He also insisted that he will accept payments in Liberty Reserve only and asked me how many referrals I needed. I thought of alerting the Onbux team about this and told him that I need to send a support ticket regarding this deal to see if it is allowed. He told me not to worry about it. He will send a ticket. Smart way not to get caught!! The rest of the conversation is in the form of email, which is given below.

Mail 1) Three attachments of "his" account snaps.

The last pic was what got me suspicious once again. Come on, we are dealing with onbux, why will someone send a snapshot of neoptc?!!!

I have given snaps of my gmail screen so that you get the entire conversation as it is. Please click on each pic if you need to read it with ease.(or keep ctrl pressed and click "+" to magnify the page)

This was really fishy. Why would someone delete such an account? And what would he get by doing it? Read on.

This gets really desperate now. Read on.

There is a lot of haste in his operation. Typical scammer's tactic. He does not want me to think. But I needed to keep him talking until I find out the truth.

Haa..Now he is trying to get me to shell out $23. Something is better than nothing. Read on to see how he lures me with additional offers when this tactic fails too.

OK. I had seen these snaps before. All the time I was talking to him, I was searching on Google for the same pics that he sent me. And I found them!! I had seen them before as an ad on some PTC site.

He had copied the pics from and tried to scam others by saying that it was his account snaps. Quite clever, but not clever enough. I have alerted the moderator of Birejji and suitable action will be taken.
Always remember, however enticing the deal may be, never make any payment upfront when you are not sure of the success of the deal.

I will keep you all updated with such incidents, so that you will be prepared in case you happen to meet smart fools like these.
Until next post, Happy Earning(And hopefully not spending :))